My Health Checklist

My Health Checklist

My Health Checklist

My Health Checklist is designed to help older adults get the most out of their medical appointments. This guide helps you think through all aspects of your health — what’s going well, what could be better, and your questions or concerns. Being prepared means that you can make sure your appointment focuses on the things that matter most to you.

Download My Health Checklist

Note: Before filling in the guide, save it to your desktop. Otherwise, anything you type will not be saved.

Coming soon: My Health Checklist will also be available in Chinese.

My Health Checklist is an Age-Friendly Health Systems resource for older adults, made possible through funding from The John A. Hartford Foundation.

Frequently Asked Questions

More Resources

  • I want to have conversations with the important people in my life about my — or their — wishes for care through the end of life...

Download free guides for getting started from The Conversation Project

  • I want to think more about what matters most to me in my life and health... 

Visit My Health Priorities

  • I am a caregiver (care partner) or I support an older adult… 

For support for you and the older adult you care for, visit Caring for Caregivers

  • I'm thinking about which questions to bring to my medical appointments… 

Download Ask Me 3®: Good Questions for Your Good Health